

Privacy Policy
Naijvibblog.com.ng is committed to respecting and protecting the privacy of those who use Naijvibblog.com.ng. This statement outlines how we handle any personal information we obtain.

This Privacy Policy was last updated on 18/04/2018

PLEASE NOTE: Naijvibblog will never ask for data that identifies you, as in user surveys or orders placed through our blog. We dont  use this information to operate this blog, we provide you with the highest quality services and offer you opportunities we think will be of your interest. You also may choose to provide information about yourself  by participating in various topics and articles we intend  to offer for readers. You should remember that when you yourself  voluntarily disclose personal information to other Internet users, such as when you include personal information in a comment to an online discussion, that information could be used by others and may result in unsolicited messages or other forms of attention.

Naijvibblog.com.ng uses IP addresses to analyze traffic and administer this site. IP addresses track individual computers and do not contain personally identifiable data. In order to describe our services to prospective partners, advertisers and others, we may disclose user information, but only in a form that does not identify individuals. For example, we might disclose that a certain percentage of our  users are female or within a certain age range.


A “cookie” is a small data text file that can be placed in your browser to enable a server to recognize you each time you visit this site. Cookies are necessary for this and other sites to provide individualized services, such as subscriptions. Cookies themselves do not contain any personal information, nor does Naijvibblog.com.ng use cookies to collect personal information. In addition to recognizing subscribers, our cookies may sometimes be used to track which parts of our site you have used so that we can better serve you when you return. Advertisers may use cookies to determine or control how many times you see their message or to customize the message you are presented.


Naijvibblog.com.ng will only ask for your email address to enable update / deliver respons to your mail box. We will only send you mail in response to your enquaries or services (Ads, Post Request, Media Upload). as follow-upto your transactions, or as part of services for which you have signed up.

Third Party Ad Serving and Sites

Naijvibblog.com.ng works with carefully chosen third-party advertising companies to serve ads when you visit our blog. These companies may use information (not including your name, address, email address or telephone number) about your visits to this and other Web sites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to you. If you would like more information about this practice and to know your choices about not having this information used by these companies, visit the Network Advertising Initiative (NAI) opt-out page.

The DoubleClick DART cookie is used by Google in ads served on this blog and other websites displaying AdSense ads. When users visit an AdSense publisher’s website and either view or click on an ad, a cookie may be dropped on that end user’s browser. The data gathered from these cookies will be used to help AdSense publishers better serve and manage the ads on their site(s) and across the web. Users may opt out of the use of the DART cookie by visiting the Google ad and content network privacy policy.

Naijvibblog.com.ng has no control over information that is submitted to, or collected by, these third parties. You should consult the privacy notices of any site you choose to visit. Disclosing Information to Others Naijvibblog.com.ng will only disclose personal information when required to do so by law or when we have your explicit permission to do so.

For issues regarding this Privacy Policy please send an email to giftchristain@gmail.com or visit our Contact Us Page for more information.

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